Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Coverage of News Conference

Links to the local newspaper coverage of our "Don't Turn Away, Ohio" news conference:

The Athens Messenger

The Athens News


Anonymous said...

My name is Lyda Gunter.

I am a grandmother and a caregiver of a child w/ a genetic disease.

Recently my daughter wrote a letter to Senator Voinovich asking why there is a discrepancy in what qualifying parents/caregivers receive monthly & what foster home providers receive. He tap danced & ended his letter by saying the process was being examined. It is my opinion that he's still not getting the thrust of the question. Its obvious he strongly sides with the foster care system, as opposed to aiding caregivers of otherwise forgotten children.

On April 30th there is a group of concerned citizens meeting in Columbus to educate & express our hopes for change. Some of the participants in the rally will be meeting w/ members of the legislative body.

Please - everyone consider joining me as we combine our energies toward a more equitable resolve.

For further information you may contact:

“Safe & Stable Families Campaign for Kinship Care, Poverty Reduction and Health Care for All Ohioans”

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Location : Trinity Episcopal Church
125 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 PM

OEC’s Mobilization Day will be a Day of Action
to impact Ohio Policies on Kinship Care Supports
& Health Care for Low-Income Ohioans

Child Care is Available. Please RSVP.
Call 1-877-862-5179 for more information